The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer to God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful time visitng friends in Sandpoint for Thanksgiving. Our visit was cut short unfortunately becuase I am sick ;o( so we came back last night in the rain. But I was able to to sleep in till 10 nice but alas, I am up late.... David and I have so many things to be thankful for but one thing, the most important thing is we are thankful that we serve an omnipotent triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thank you Father that you love us and you seek us out to know you so we can experience your abundant grace, love and perfect peace!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The garden is put up and the trees have dropped all their leaves. Seems like fall came late and hit hard this year. We had the opportunity to go to Green Bluff with the Woods this weekend before the snow, which they say will be likely by Thursday. Was fun...we just hung out , took in the air and scenery. A little hot apple cider and carmel apples were an added bonus.
Looking forward to sharing these cherished times with Eva one day.
Wo men ai ni Eva!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Pumpkins

This is the first year we grew pumpkins. I made the mistake of planting only one seed of each variety though. The two larger pumpkin plants only produced one each of the jade and one of the orange while the mini jacks yielded a bakers dozen. Those are so fun and easy and make great fall decorations. I will definitely do pumpkins again next but to increase yields, I think will do three plantings instead of just one.
David and I will still go up to Green Bluff to get carvers for Halloween. One each of us and one for little Eva too!
I harvested the cornstalks and used them to decorate the front stoop since that was all they were ever going to be good for . Again, it was an obvious pollination issue since there was no shortage of ears. They were just not producing kernels. Grrrr....after two years I feel kind of guilty about giving up but I think corn is just too fussy for me. I will gladly use that extra space for more potatoes next year.

One of many summer harvests....

This years summer harvest far exceeded expectations. Still have some things to work out but all in all we were pleased. Tomatoes, squash, potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, strawberries, herbs, flowers and eggs all in abundance.

We had our first frost yesterday, October 7th. I still have carrots and beet seedlings under cover in one bed. I wonder if I was too late. Celery and strawberries seem unaffected by that first frost but as with everything, they will be soon enough.

Preparing for fall with cleanup and composting. Leaves have not turned on the big maples yet.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Before & After

We should get a bumper crop of cucumbers (huge lush plants on the right) based on all the little ones I can see already...we have slicers and picklers. The baby doll watermelons...not too sure if we'll get any(grey plants front left). Hard to tell on the Hales Best muskmelons...(back left) I cant get back there to see but we had and still have tons of flowers! So much for my handy pathway...We will have to re-think the green hut in the spring...maybe have it so the back window could lift open so I can check on things without having to climb through... ahhh..trowel and error!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Walla Walla sweet onions...
these toppled over on Friday so I pulled them and laid them out yesterday to cure in the sun for about a week. There are still some onions scatteresd here and there that aren't ready yet but I think I'll plant a few more sets to see if I can squeeze out one more end of season harvest.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In the Garden...

Everything is growing by leaps and bounds in the garden. I have harvested peas, carrots, beets, zucchini, patty pan and crook neck squash and strawberries.

David helped me set up a soaker hose watering system before he left for camp. What a great guy! That waters up to two beds at a time effectively. I can't wait till he gets home with the camera so I can upload some new photos. We also made a garden arbor out of branches from a big tree we trimmed recently...Lot's going on 'round here.

I have a day off tomorrow so I am planning a Green Bluff trip to pick strawberries with Tish and the kids. Mmmm... jam, strawberry shortcake, strawberries and vanilla is good.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Pretty Bird

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

A time to grow...

I just loaded a slide show with some yard stuff. Recently, I received some inspiring pictures from my aunt and uncle's brand new vegetable / flower garden. They live in rural southeastern Oregon and just put in their lovely garden this year. I was so excited to see some of the neat things they have done with used items already. This runs in the family...I LOVE it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In the midst of our home study preparation David and I have managed to find some down time here and there these last few weeks. We are painting the upstairs hallway and bathroom, an area of the house that we have not done anything with since we bought this old house so it feels good to be making some headway there.

David built us a mini greenhouse out of some used shipping crates we got for free last fall. Complete with a drip system, we now stand a chance of getting some yummy melons and cucumbers in our short growing season. I started musk melon and watermelons from seed in March so they should be about ready to go into the ground. Last year we almost had some but between the hail and the dogs who found them before they could ripen was a battle lost.

The main raised bed garden is pretty well planted except for squash...I am waiting another week or so.

Potatoes - Planted 4 different types and all have sprouted - Early season Red Pontiacs first, mid season rose and apple fingerlings next and the late season yukon golds sprouting last. I dug 12 inch deep trenches that are filled in gradually as the plants grow taller. Did not go that deep last year and we got fair yields but I am hoping the depth will give us higher yields.

Tomatoes - Planted over 15 plants which is 3 times what I planted last year and I gave about 10 away to my friend. We got carried away. So we will have an interesting variety of rainbow hierlooms, cherokee purple, borghese, roma, yellow pear, super sweet 100, cherries and a couple of mystery ones. I planted them really deep this season and tried planting some sideways to see how that technique works. Inter planted in the tomato bed is sage, walla walla sweet onions, lemon and sweet basils, cilantro, purple and red bell peppers, white alyssum, nasturtiums and marigolds.

Greens - Lettuces (romaine, butter crunch, black seeded simpson and red leaf), yellow onions, garlic, nantes and 1/2 danvers carrots, cylindria, detroit and gold blend beets, cutting flowers -straw flower, zinnia, asters, baby's breath, rudbeckia, sunflowers last years thyme and a volunteer California poppy!

Roots - More beets and carrots mixed with onion. Trellis of peas, snapdragons, marigolds and more lettuce and spinach.

Cabbage - Yuk..hate cabbage so I just planted broccoli, cauliflower, asters, northern lights swiss chard ( another yummy treat if your a salad lover) and in this bed we added three rows of strawberries ( Davids favorites), another trellis of peas and some dill, nasturtium and sweet alyssum.

Squash - Have not planted these guys yet...they are hardening off in the green hut but we have yellow and green patty pans, yellow crookneck, zucchini, green pumpkin and mini pumpkins. For now all my beneficial annuals are getting going in that bed.

Corn - I just started corn in containers. I wasn't going to bother with it this year since the birds tore up the tassels last year and they never pollinated. Well see...

I have a bunch of perennials and annual to plant yet....and I started more in basement last night so when mom comes in August, we'll have some gardening to do!

Around the yard - The apple tree Tish and Tom gave us last year look fabulous! Irises are budding, tulips and grape hyacinth are fading and the irises, day lilies, roses and peonies are budding up to take thier place! We lost a japanese maple in the snow pack but the other three are looking pretty. The hostas and ferns are up under the pines. All the perennials I started from seed and planted last year are all coming in too! So rewarding! Hollyhock, yarrow, Shasta daisies, painted daisies, milkweed, lychnis, black-eyed susans, blanket flowers, cone flowers and lupine and the annuals I started from seed last year re-seeded so they are on their way up too! Seeds.....a super cheap, SUPER rewarding way to garden!

Spring has sprung!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Best Macaroon's - The Barefoot Contessa

14 ounces sweetened shredded coconut
14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 extra-large egg whites, at room temperature
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
Combine the coconut, condensed milk, and vanilla in a large bowl. Whip the egg whites and salt on high speed in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment until they make medium-firm peaks. Carefully fold the egg whites into the coconut mixture. The refrigerate mix for 15 minutes.

Drop the batter onto cookie sheets using a ice cream scoop or large spoon. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until golden brown. Cool and serve.
Dip bottoms is melted chocolate for an extra sweet treat!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Well, it was sunny enough this afternoon to take a look at the dresser and now this is what it looks like. The wood is beautiful and its in great shape! The drawers have to be sanded yet but the hardware is off. Have to wait for another sunny but dry day for the paint.
Meanwhile my dh David ( dear husband) is working on a fence for a chicken yard so the girls can get out and do what they do without getting into our garden and wrecking it. I have beet and lettuce seed flung far and wide so all my hard work from Friday was scrapped. Grrr...

Eva's Bags

We are fundraising!
Check out these craislistings....

Friday, April 10, 2009

The early batch of potatoes are planted! This years spuds will be Red Pontiac, Yukon Golds, Peanut Fingerling's and Red Apple Finn Fingerling's...Yummy!
Onion sets have been put out and I threw some lettuce, beet seeds and added some early Alaska Peas so...a little early but I like taking risks...especially if they pay off! Supposed to be rainy all weekend...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Family Tree

David and I thought it would be a good idea to plant a tree this year to commemorate our 5 year anniversary and the beginning of Eva’s adoption process. I am set on a flowering cherry tree or dogwood but have to see what is available. We have a spot off the back patio in perfect view from what will be Eva’s bedroom window. I would love to see that spot become a small garden with pink and white...a labor of love to keep us busy while we wait and pray. I am researching Chinese botanical gardens to start a list of plants, flowers and designs that we can incorporate into the garden. So far the trees, irises and peonies are on the list.

More adoption updates at

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here is a recent note from my Grandma about memory she has about her mom recently. That's her mom, my Great Grandma in the picture.

Grandma writes....When I was about 4 or 5 yrs old I ran into the house one day and found my mother sitting at the dining room table...just sitting. I asked what she was doing and she said, "I am watching the tulips open". It was rare she ever sat doing nothing. Every time I see tulips I remember that. She wasn't doing nothing --- she was enjoying herself! Thanks for the memory!
Love, Grandma

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Project! We found this neat vintage oak dresser SUPER CHEAP! Our goal is to refinish it for Eva's room. Our first baby room project! We will be sanding it down to remove the existing white finish and check out the condition of the wood. After that we'll decide on whether or not to paint it again or stain it. I am thinking I like the antique ivory look enough to try it on this...the hardware is brass and in great condition. Will soften the oak floor and sage green walls.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A table refinishing project that's been a long time coming...perfect project for a snow day...This is the first coat...
It's 30 degrees and there has been a light snow overnight continuing on through the day...not too much though but just enough to keep me indoors on my day off. I was hoping to get out and start turning compost into the beds this weekend but it has been a damp cold's been postponed.
- February 1, 2009 seedlings: Cherry, pear, paste and slicing tomatoes, eggplant, bell peppers and rosemary - these are still on heat pads. Also startedlavender, Shasta daisies, globe flower and rudbeckia are all going strong.
- February 15, 2009 seedlings: Aster, zinnia, petunias and pansies.
- March 9, 2009 seedlings: Coreopsis, cone flower, more petunia,more pansies, yarrow, English daisy,painted daisy, rosemary and thyme.
Since last year was a bad year for corn because of the late spring, I am going to experiment with 'starts' this year to see if we can get a crop. I am just not sure exactly when to do this since sowing indoors and transplanting corn is not recommended so seed packets don't have any instructions...Hmmm.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We are starting this blog as a photo album and journal of projects as well as our gardening trials and errors. David and I spend the majority of the short Northwest growing season outside in our yard and garden. We also enjoy frequenting second hand stores and salvage yards looking for materials for new projects. In early March of2008, we began construction on our raised bed garden area and were able to have a successful garden on a very tight budget using recycled materials. In our slide show you will see every project we did in 2008 from breaking ground for raised beds, building a cold frame from our old windows, wine barrel planters, building our chicken coop and run, putting up composting bins and the picket fencing surrounding the garden.

I also start all our vegetables, herbs, annuals and perennials from direct sowing or from seedlings started in our basement grow room. All of the grow room materials were also salvage with the exception of the lighting fixtures...for obvious reasons.

I just had an interesting thought...Thanks to the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we are also living salvaged lives...Praise the Lord! "Therefore if anyone be in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone and the new has come!" 2 Cor 5:17

We will no doubt be adding to our project blog and photo's this year as the 2009 growing season gets underway! We hope you enjoy what you see here!

God bless!

Our Salvage Garden

Spring 2009 - Double click for larger view

Salvage Inspiration

Mid Summer