The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer to God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Well, It's been a while and it is already 2011 and the last post was from late Spring 2010...the shame of it!  Life has been wonderfully out of control since last June. Summer and Fall were awesome.  My brother came for the summer and we did some much needed camping and fishing with some friends. After that, David and l had a couple additional camping trips before the end of summer with our new-used, canoe.  By the time summer was over the garden was already out of control and we were preparing for visits from out of town family. We harvested what was salvageable in the garden and let everything pretty much go to seed. I am actually looking forward to those results, by the way.  By the time Fall arrived mom was here for 6 weeks along with a nice visit from my aunt and uncle. By the time mom left my new sewing machine had arrived and I was preparing Eva's bags for the winter craft sale. Then it was the Christmas holiday hustle and bustle....and now Happy New Year? 
Where did the year go! I feel like such a wimp.

But alas! Part of what makes this time of year so fabulous are the seed catalogs that come in the mail like little present chalk full of inspiration, ideas and the hope of Spring!  So, my next project is to take inventory of my seeds and make a Spring gardening and planting plan .... which will unfortunately include a new sewer line hook up and decommissioning of our septic tank...humph.

Here's to daydreams of freshly tilled soil, new life and warm compost.
...oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Our Salvage Garden

Spring 2009 - Double click for larger view

Salvage Inspiration

Mid Summer