The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer to God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, January 13, 2012

Psst...We're Pregnant!

Dear family and friends,

We are very, very excited to share with you our joyous news! 
 David and I expecting....meaning, we are pregnant! 
 We are 11 weeks along and felt it was 
as good a time as any to get the word out.

Our estimated due date is the end of 
July / beginning of August.

Please keep us and our little family in your prayers!

Love to all, 
David and Laura Wagner

Monday, January 2, 2012

Loss of our Flock

A few months ago we discovered we had a predator hanging around our chicken coop. We never saw it but we lost 80% if our flock to it. Based on the evidence left behind we believe it to be the work of racoon(s).

We only have two hens left ~ Henri and Mrs. Dash . We have secured the coop for the time being and will be re building the coop  with a larger enclosed more "free birds". We will bury the chicken wire / hardware cloth, pour a concrete floor and create a completely enclosed spring, summer, fall run for the girls. They cannot free range any longer...this makes me sad but we love our fresh eggs and want to keep  our beautiful birds safe and happy. Our very first hen Henri, is one of the survivors ( thank goodness) she is such a great pet but is no longer laying so we have been having to buy eggs.....what a drag. She is retired but we will be adding back to our flock in the Spring and will be able to turn the chicks out by mid summer and she will show them the ropes. Good bird.

The loss is a sad one.

Happy New Year 2012

Its been a long and busy year. Lots of goo times, lots of memories and a lot of change.

We replaced the 2 inches of old layered kitchen flooring and the lower cabinets.
Floor wasn't rotted out after all!

2nd layer alomst gone...still carpet underneath...GROSS.

Pretty much done....LOVE IT!

We got the sewer put in before the city's deadline....

Family Camp with Water of Life

A little time to ourselves

Water of Life Ladies Fellowship Tea

Our Salvage Garden

Spring 2009 - Double click for larger view

Salvage Inspiration

Mid Summer